New Marketing Literature Request
There is a real neccessity to make sure all of the materials we distribute in the public domain look professional, and consistent and that the content is up to date. This is why the Corporate Communicaitons Team streamlined the literature set - so what you can see on this shop is what you can order.If, however, you are looking for something specific that is not on this shop, you can visit the Corporate Communications subsite and fill in a new literature request form.
Use the new literature request form for any items of printed marketing literature that you think you might need, for example if there is a specific crime trend in your area, or you need to communicate some specific informaiton to a targeted audience.
Describe what is is you need to tell people, who those people are and when they need to know the information. It might be that a poster, leaflet or postcard is required. However, it may be that the Corporate Communications Team can advise another method of communication for your message.
The form will be submitted to the Brand Team in Corporate Communucations for consideration. Following your form submission, you will hear back from the team within three working days.